
MCSW: Driving Change


At our core, the mission of the Massachusetts Commission on the Status of Women (MCSW) is to advance women and girls toward full equity in all areas of life and to promote rights and opportunities for all. We do this through a variety of means, but most importantly to me, is through policy change.

As the current Chair of the MCSW’s Legislative and Public Policy Committee, it is my honor to present the slate of our 2023-2024 legislative priorities for the 193rd Legislative Session.

As women, we do not lead single-issue lives. Our top 10 priorities focus on health, both physical and mental, support of all parents both at the birth of their child and throughout their lives, and bringing a holistic sense of caring for our full selves.

As an organization, we understand the life cycle of change. During the pandemic, we hosted listening sessions and public hearings to hear directly from women and families about what was impacting their lives. As a result, we’re proud to sponsor H.3305, Resolutions recognizing the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on women and girls, especially women of color in the Commonwealth, sponsored by Representative Brandy Fluker Oakley. This bill is a direct result of the input we heard from you, members of our communities all across the Commonwealth. We heard you, and we took action.

On a personal note, as a Navy Veteran with more than 14 years of service in both active duty and reserves, I am also proud of our decision to sponsor a bill that would establish a special legislative commission to study female veterans who have experienced combat and the short and long-term effects on motherhood.

As the current President of the National Association of Commissions for Women (NACW), this is how we move the needle. States implement best practices that serve their communities, and the conversation expands to national audiences as we learn and grow together. 

I have dedicated my life career to the idea that change begins locally, with each and every one of us, and can slowly change the world. 

Learn more about our 2023 Legislative priorities and be sure to join us on May 31, 2023 for Advocacy Day at the Massachusetts Statehouse to make your voice heard.

It will take all of us.

Yours in community endeavors,

Mary-dith Tuitt 

MCSW Legislative and Public Policy Committee Chair