Advocacy Day

Every other year, aligned with the state’s legislative cycle, we welcome over 300 hundred community activists to the State House to rally behind priority legislation that increases access to opportunities and equality for all women and girls of the Commonwealth.

Advocacy Day is an event held by the MCSW to advocate for legislation that advances the rights and opportunities of women and girls across the Commonwealth. The MCSW invites all members of the community to attend and participate in Advocacy Day, and stand in support of women throughout Massachusetts.

The Commission discusses key findings from the previous year in collaboration with regional Commissions, reports findings collected from public hearings hosted during the year throughout the Commonwealth, and lays out our legislative priorities for the coming session. Attendees also hear from the Commission Chair, Regional Commission Chairs, and State Legislators.

The event includes time for members of the Commission and supporters to visit their local elected officials to discuss priority legislation and advocate on behalf of the MCSW.

To learn more about the Commission’s work on promoting policy that supports opportunity and equality for women, check out MCSW’s 2023-2024 Legislative Agenda.

MCSW has shifted Advocacy Day to take place during the legislative session, which occurs every two years beginning on odd numbered years in Massachusetts. MCSW’s next Advocacy Day will be held in 2025.

Advocacy Day 2023

Thank you to everyone who joined us for MCSW Advocacy Day 2023! Watch this awesome highlight reel for a sneak peak at just a few of the amazing moments we shared together fighting for our future. We loved handing out cookies with QR codes that link to all of our legislative priorities! We were honored to have so many young people, elected officials, regional and state commissioners, and coalition partners from across the state gather to raise our voices, to be represented, and to advocate for our communities.

Top News Coverage:

Boston Globe: Students participate in Beacon Hill advocacy day for women’s commission

WGBH News: Advocates push for pregnancy care measures on Beacon Hill

State House News Service: Women’s Commission Lays Out Session Priorities

How to Lobby Effectively

First time advocating for an issue and need some advice?

In the following videos, former Commissioner Becca Glenn describes how to lobby effectively on Advocacy Day and MCSW’s Priority bills:

Want to learn more?

For more information on Advocacy Day, please contact us here or call us at 617-626-6520.