2021-2022 Legislative Priorities
Our Legislative and Public Policy Committee is led by our mission and public hearing testimony when finalizing a brand new slate of bills to continue to advocate for in 2021-2022 and in future legislative sessions. Some of those bills include:
An Act Providing Affordable and Accessible High Quality Early Education and Care to Promote Child Development and Well-Being and Support the Economy in the Commonwealth.
Lead Sponsors:
Sen. Jason M. Lewis and Reps. Kenneth I. Gordon & Rep Adrian C. Madaro, Coalition: Common Start Coalition
Referred to the Joint Committee on Education.
The Common Start Bill would establish a universal system of affordable, high-quality early education and child care for all Massachusetts families. The system would cover early education and care for children age birth through 5, after and out of school time for children age 5-12, and children with special needs through age 15.
An Act to Ensure Gender Parity on Public Boards and Commissions
Lead Sponsors:
Rep. Patricia Haddad and Sen. Jason Lewis, Coalition: Parity on Public Boards Coalition.
Referred to Joint Committee on State Administration and Regulatory Oversight
This bill would promote diversity in leadership and governance that broadly reflects the demographics of our Commonwealth. The composition of each appointed public board and commission in the Commonwealth shall broadly reflect that of the general public.
An Act supporting Parents Running for Public Office
Lead Sponsors:
Sen. Patricia Jehlen and Reps. Mike Connolly and Joan Meschino, Coalition: Campaign Funds for Child Care Coalition – led by MCSW.
Referred to Joint Committee on Election Laws.
Many working parents are discouraged from running for public office because of financial reasons. This bill would clarify that child care expenses for times while campaigning are not considered personal expenses.
An Act to Increase Access to Disposable Menstrual Products in Prisons, Homeless Shelters, and Public Schools
Lead Sponsors:
Sen. Patricia Jehlen and Reps. Jay Livingstone and Christine Barber, Coalition: Massachusetts Menstrual Equity (MME) Coalition
Referred to Joint Committee on Election Laws
This bill would provide access to free menstrual products to all menstruating individuals in schools, shelters & prisons. IAM Bill. Formerly; An Act to Increase Access to Disposable Menstrual Products in Prisons, Homeless Shelters and Public Schools: H.1959/S.1274.
An Act to Require Policies and Training to Prevent Unlawful Harassment, Including Sexual Harassment
Lead Sponsors:
Sen. Cynthia Creem and Rep. Christine Barber
Referred to Joint Committee on Labor and Workforce Development.
This bill would require Massachusetts employers to provide workplace-specific sexual harassment training that is live and interactive, as well as conduct climate surveys to identify risk factors and gauge the program’s effectiveness. This training will promote respect in the workplace and avoid unlawful harassment, rather than simply focus on escaping liability.
An Act Relative to Work and Family Mobility During and Subsequent to the COVID-19 Emergency
Lead Sponsors:
Sen. Brendan P Crighton and Reps. Tricia Farley-Bouvier and Rep. Christine P. Barber, Coalition: Driving Families Forward Coalition
Referred to Joint Committee on Transportation.
Family Mobility Act. Formerly; An Act Relative to Work and Family Mobility H.3012/S.2061. This bill would enable all qualified state residents to apply for a standard Massachusetts driver’s license or ID, regardless of immigrant status, while keeping our Commonwealth in full compliance with REAL ID requirements.
Get Involved!
There are a number of ways that you can get involved: Take a look at the video former MCSW Commissioner Becca Glenn developed to prepare advocates to request co sponsorships for some of the Commission’s priority bills.
Interested in advocating with MCSW? Join our mailing list to keep up with our advocacy day updates or email us at mcsw@mass.gov for more information. Whether you have a general interest in advocacy, or want to advocate for a particular bill on our priority legislation list, we want to amplify your voice!