
Support the women and girls of Massachusetts today!

Your generous contributions help to raise funds for youth programming, support outreach to women, and sustain MCSW’s mission to improve the status of women and girls across the Commonwealth. Please consider making a financial contribution to the MCSW today. 

We would be grateful to receive your donation via our PayPal page or by check made payable to “MCSW.” Checks can be mailed to the attention of the MCSW at:

The John W. McCormack Building 
1 Ashburton Place, 16th Floor, Suite 16220 
Boston, Massachusetts 02108 

Please be sure to include your email address and all relevant contact information on the submission.

Contact MCSW with any questions.

MCSW is a 509(a)(1) Independent Massachusetts State Agency charged with reviewing the status of women in Massachusetts and offering recommendations regarding policy that would improve access to opportunities and equality. Tax ID 04-6002284