Event Announcement

Nominate a Class of 2025 Commonwealth Heroine

About Commonwealth Heroines

The Commonwealth Heroine Celebration is an opportunity to recognize the women across the state who don’t always make the news but who are truly making a difference in their communities, businesses, or volunteer endeavors.

Nomination Process

We rely on legislators to nominate incredible women in their districts for their contributions to community and Commonwealth. 

The below nomination form will ask for legislator information, honoree information, and a short paragraph (250 words or less) describing why the honoree is being nominated. Thank you in advance for your support in celebrating exceptional women across the Commonwealth! *Note that all information may be used publicly. We ask that you fully complete the nomination form below.

  • The deadline to submit nominations is EOD Monday, March 31, 2025 by 5pm ET.  
  • Honorees will be notified of their nomination in mid to late April.
  • All elected officials to be notified of a call time for photos with honorees

SAVE THE DATE: All Commonwealth Heroines and the legislators who nominated them will be invited to attend the Class of 2025 Commonwealth Heroines Celebration on Thursday, June 26, 2025.

Need additional Information?

Learn more by reading our Commonwealth Heroine FAQs here. Contact mcswprograms@mass.gov for additional information.

Commonwealth Heroines 2025 Nomination Form

Use the below form to nominate a Commonwealth Heroine for the Class of 2025.

About You, Beloved Elected Official

Legislator Name(Required)
Your Email Address(Required)
Office Contact\Aide Name
Is this a co-nomination?(Required)
In the past, some legislators have partnered up to nominate. This is acceptable and will be noted in the program book as such. For more information, please contact MCSW@mass.gov ATTN: Commonwealth Heroines.
Full name and title for print

About the Incredible Honoree

Please include as much information about your honoree as you can.
Honoree Name(Required)
Helpful if you have it, but not required.
Honoree Mailing Address(Required)
We’ll mail materials and other information regarding the event – including the award in the case an honoree is unable to join us in person.
Honoree County(Required)
0 of 2000 max characters
Please include a 250 word or less paragraph about the nominated Heroine, detailing why she is deserving of recognition for her work in the community. What has this nominee done to improve the lives of the women and girls of the Commonwealth?
Max. file size: 50 MB.
Please provide a high-res, from the shoulders-up, headshot style photograph of your nominee for print use in our program book. If we do not receive a photo, the nominee will be listed in the program with a yellow rose image.
Do you plan on attending the celebration on Thursday, June 26, 2025 at the Massachusetts Statehouse?
If so, register here: https://bit.ly/CH25registration

Want to learn more?

For more information on the Commonwealth Heroines Program, please contact us here or call us at 617-626-6520.