Event Announcement

Commonwealth Heroines FAQs

What are Commonwealth Heroines? 

The Commonwealth Heroine Celebration is an opportunity to recognize the women across the state who don’t always make the news but who are truly making a difference in their communities, businesses, or volunteer endeavors. We rely on legislators to nominate incredible women in their districts for their contributions to their community and the Commonwealth.

What does a Commonwealth Heroine Celebration look like? 

Every June, we welcome over 300 guests to the Massachusetts State House to celebrate Commonwealth Heroines. The event is also livestreamed through Zoom and Facebook Live. Speakers give opening remarks, and then we announce the names of the women who are being recognized. All Heroines received a Heroine Package with a single wrapped yellow rose, an Award Certificate, and some other gifts as a small token to commemorate their extraordinary service to their communities. 

How long have we done the Commonwealth Heroines Celebration? 

Since 2004! We’ve recognized over 2,000 incredible women across the state of MA. 

When and where will Commonwealth Heroines take place this year? 

This year, the Commonwealth Heroines Celebration will take place on Friday, June 14th, 2024 at the MA State House (24 Beacon St. Boston, MA). 

How does someone get nominated? 

MCSW accepts recommendations solely from Legislators, but constituents are encouraged to reach out to their legislators if they would like to offer a constituent as a suggestion. 

If an individual was recognized in the past as Heroine, can they be nominated again? 

We do not accept repeat nominations because we want to give ample space and opportunity for others to be recognized each year. 

Is there an age limit?

There is not! We’ve had awardees as young as 10. As long as the nominee meets all criteria required.

Nomination Criteria: 

The MCSW respectfully requests that each legislator recommend one female constituent to represent her community and be honored as a 2023 Commonwealth Heroine. All Commonwealth Heroines will be invited to attend a ceremony on Friday June 14, 2024 at the State House in Boston. More details will follow regarding the day’s schedule. We hope you can take the time to help us recognize a Commonwealth Heroine in your community (who has not yet been previously honored and is not a State House employee or family member).

Nomination Restrictions:

  • No elected officials
  • No individuals working for the Appointing Authorities (Governor, House Speaker, Senate President, MCWL). 
  • Nominee must have demonstrated significant initiative, passion, accomplishment and or achievement in the following areas:
    • Actively work to improve the status of women in government 
    • Create or actively endorse legislation that impacts women of the commonwealth 
    • Promote collaboration between women serving organizations or work to inform business, education, healthcare, government or media leaders of issues pertaining to women.

Commonwealth Heroines Archive: Through the Years

Commonwealth Heroine Archives 2023

Commonwealth Heroines 2023 Program Book





Historic List of Commonwealth Heroines

Want to learn more?

For more information on the Commonwealth Heroines Program, please contact us here or call us at 617-626-6520.