2025-2026 Legislative Priorities
Our Legislative and Public Policy Committee is led by our mission and public hearing testimony when finalizing our slate of bills to continue to advocate for in 2025-2026 and in future legislative sessions. Some of our priority legislation includes:
Parity on Boards: An Act to Ensure Gender Parity and Racial and Ethnic Diversity on Public Boards and Commissions
Lead Sponsors:
Representative Tram T. Nguyen, Representative Dawne Shand & Senator Jason Lewis
Bill reported favorably by committee and referred to the committee on Senate Ways and Means
An Act to Promote Diversity on Public Boards and Commissions would work to promote diversity in leadership and governance that broadly reflects the demographics of our Commonwealth.
An Act Relative to Virtual Meetings Of Appointed Statewide Public Bodies
Lead Sponsors:
Representative Tricia Farley- Bouvier & Representative Mindy Domb
This bill expands remote participation for members appointed to public bodies by setting the standard that members who participate remotely must be audible and able to connect with the public through telephone or other technological means.
An Act Updating the Open Meeting Law to Support Remote Participation
Lead Sponsors:
Senator Becca Rausch
This legislation would extend remote participation in the open meeting law. Through State Administration and Regulatory Oversight, this bill supports a permanent hybrid set up at any public body meeting by ensuring that any relevant documents must be released ahead of time with no fees for participation.
An Act Providing for Safe and Consensual Sensitive Examinations
Lead Sponsor:
Senator Jo Comerford
This bill prevents pelvic examinations on patients under anesthesia without written confirmation and allows a third-party witness to be present.
An Act Relative to Healthcare Industry Recruitment and Education for the 21st Century
Lead Sponsors:
Representative John Lawn & Representative Marjorie Decker
This bill aims to expand the primary and behavioral healthcare workforce by creating a council for inclusive planning and establishing a fund to promote healthcare careers from K-12 through higher education.
An Act Relative to Family Members Serving as Caregivers
Lead Sponsors:
Representative James O’Day & Senator Joan Lovely
Referred to Joint Committee on Public Health
Allows for family members, power of attorneys, adult children of patient(s), and other legally liable family to be compensated for their care.
Capital Equity Bill: An Act relative to Fair Investment Practices
Lead Sponsors:
Senator Cindy F. Friedman & Representative Tram T. Nguyen
This bill would promote better access for women and minorities to entrepreneurial funding and add protections for those engaging in private funding contracts. These added protections will help women and minorities from being discriminated against with no punishment to the firms.
An Act Expanding Access to Family, Friend, and Neighbor-Provided Childcare
Lead Sponsors:
Representative Marjorie Decker & Senator Sal DiDomenico
The bill forms an advisory committee representing “Family, Friend and Neighbor Care” which will then work to create a payment structure for FFN caregivers, allowing families with vouchers to pay for services.
An Act to Protect Safety and Privacy by Stopping the Sale of Location Data
Lead Sponsors: Senator Cynthia Stone Creem
This bill prohibits the collection of user location data without consent and ensures an easy opt-out process for targeted advertising.
Menopause Awareness Bill: An Act Pertaining to Women’s Health at Midlife and Public, Medical and Workplace Awareness of the Transitional Stage of Menopause and Related Chronic Conditions
Lead Sponsors: Representative Joan Meschino
The goal of this bill is to increase awareness of menopause for patients, clinicians, and employers. Through the development of educational tools, using collaboration with the Commissioner of the DPH and various nonprofits and medical professionals.
An Act Relative to the Massachusetts Commission on the Status of Women
Lead Sponsors: Representative David Vieira & Representative Hadley Luddy
Technical Amendment to enabling language to allow for the MCSW Trust Fund to earn interest and to change the MCSW’s Annual Reporting Deadline to July 31.
An Act Relative to the Regional Commissions on the Status of Women
Lead Sponsors: Representative Patrick O’Connor & Representative Joan Meschino
Technical Amendment to enabling language to remove the town of Hull from the Eastern Regional Commission’s geographic boundary.
An Act to Increase Access to Disposable Menstrual Products
Lead Sponsors: Senator Patricia Jehlen ,Representative Jay Livingstone, Representative Christine Barber
Also known as the I AM Bill, this bill would provide access to free menstrual products to all menstruating individuals in schools, shelters, and prisons.
An Act Relative to Healthy Youth
Lead Sponsors: Senator Sal DiDomenico, Representatives Jim O’Day, Representative Vanna Howard
This bill will ensure that only sex and relationship education that is medically accurate, age appropriate, and inclusive is taught in Massachusetts Public Schools.
An Act Establishing Medicare for all in Massachusetts
Lead Sponsors: Senator James B. Eldridge, Representative Lindsay Sabadosa, Representative Denise C. Garlick
This bill would guarantee equitable health care access for every resident of the Commonwealth through the Massachusetts Health Care Trust, a single payer for all medically necessary care. The Act will provide continuous access to health care services, without the current need for repeated re-enrollments or changes when employers choose new plans and residents change jobs. Coverage shall be comprehensive and publicly financed, free of out-of-pocket cost at point-of-care, with no co-insurance, co-payments, deductibles, or any other patients.
SD.573/ HD.2465
An Act Relative to Human Rights and Improved Outcomes for Incarcerated People
Lead Sponsors: Senator Cynthia Stone Creem and Representative Brandy Fluker-Reid
This bill will establish universal baseline standards for every person incarcerated in Massachusetts state prisons, county jails, and the house of corrections. Instead of focusing on a culture of punishment, this bill seeks to shift correctional priorities to rehabilitation and re-entry, setting standards for out-of-cell time and opportunities for incarcerated people to attend education, training, employment, and other rehabilitation programs.
Resolutions to Study Women Veterans and Long-Term Effects of Combat on Motherhood
Lead Sponsors: Representative Shirley Arriaga
This resolve would establish a special legislative commission to study women veterans and the long-term effects of combat on motherhood.
Get Involved!
There are a number of ways that you can get involved: Take a look at the video former MCSW Commissioner Becca Glenn developed to prepare advocates to request co sponsorships for some of the Commission’s priority bills.
Interested in advocating with MCSW? Join our mailing list to keep up with our advocacy day updates or email us at mcsw@mass.gov for more information. Whether you have a general interest in advocacy, or want to advocate for a particular bill on our priority legislation list, we want to amplify your voice!
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