GELI Summit 2025 Group Registration

For more information on the MCSW Girl’s Empowerment Leadership Initiative email

GELI Summit 2025 Group Registration

Registering a group for GELI? Use the below form! For more information on the MCSW Girl’s Empowerment Leadership Initiative email

Group Leader Information

Group Leader Full Name(Required)
Group Leader Email(Required)
This information is optional and will help MCSW better understand its participants and services offered.

Additional Group Information

Are you the only 18+ individual responsible for this group?
For every 10 participants under the age of 18, 1 adult responsible for those participants must accompany them.
Additional Adult Leader Information
First Name
Last Name
Click the “plus” button on the right to add additional adults.
What are the ages of your group participants?(Required)
Check all that apply

Participant Information

Please add information for each participant in your group.
Participant Information(Required)
First Name
Last Name
Click the “plus” button on the right to add additional participants. First name, last name, and email must be included for all participants.


Available session topics subject to shift slightly.
Available Sessions
Check off all interested sessions. Depending on availability, assigned sessions and times may shift.


The MCSW is offering transportation to and from the 2025 GELI Summit! Complete the below section to let us know your transportation needs.
Do you/your participants need transportation?(Required)
Available for both adults and youth participants.
If so, transportation locations will be determined this Spring. Check here to be notified of the transportation schedule.
Individual pick-up is not available. Pick-up and drop-off locations will serve large groups and be identified at public areas.

Overnight Lodging

Overnight lodging is available at the 2025 GELI Summit via on-site dormitories. Complete the below section to let us know if you or your group would need overnight accommodations, and a separate sign-up form will be sent to you.
Do you/your group need overnight lodging?(Required)
Available for both adults and youth participants.
If so, additional information will follow.(Required)
There will be a minor cost associated with overnight stays; additional information will follow.


(I.e. Additional language, translation, or ASL needs, ADA access, Medication Storage, Religious needs, other)(Required)
(I.e. Additional language, translation, or ASL needs, ADA access, Medication Storage, Religious needs, other)
(I.e. Additional language or translation needs, Medication Storage, Religious needs)
Do you or any member of your group have any allergies or dietary restrictions?(Required)
Consent to Aid/Treatment(Required)
By signing this form, I give consent and permission for MCSW staff, volunteers, representatives, or contractors to provide medical care to me or to my child, to transport me or my child to a medical facility or to seek the aid of emergency medical services as deemed appropriate. I further authorize MCSW staff, volunteers, representatives, or contractors to render whatever treatment they consider necessary for my or my child’s health, and I agree to pay all costs associated with that care and transportation.
Media Release(Required)
We’re especially sensitive to media releases when at youth events. By signing this form, I understand that photo and video recording of this event will be captured and will be shared publicly by the MCSW.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.